Katz Mulk

‘We can make poetry without language because language as the rehearsal material for poetry has made way for another poetry, that of objects, actions, environments and the arrangements’.Anne Boyer, The Handbook of Disappointed Fate. KM is a performance group featuring Andrea Kearney, Ben Ellul-Knight, Ben Morris and Siân Williams. Their work pulls together crude electronics, field recordings, narrative fragments, dance, and sculptural interventions to create a sticky radiophonic syrup. In 2019 they performed at Glasgow’s Counterflows Festival and were residents at Chapter Arts in Cardiff. 

KM will be spending a week at Dai Hall playing with fragments of ideas and following hunches, culminating in a performance of new work and an exhibition of song sketches, sculpture, movement diaries and scores. Some of the questions they’ll be turning over are: what happens when you observe and learn from each other? When have you ever been really in the present? and what are the songs that can fill the fluid and evolving landscape?