Saturday 19th Feb 19:30 – 22:00
dai hall, The Piazza, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS
£6 advanced / £8 on the door
balancing & restraining (piano study no.2) (Lottie Sadd 2020)
Pauline Oliveros ‘Extreme Slow Walk’ deep listening practice: ‘The challenge for this exercise is that no matter how slow you are walking, you can always go much slower’;
playing as softly as audibly as together as possible; seeking total quietest balance
Lottie Sadd (she/her) is an interdisciplinary composer-performer making immersive sonic performances and installations. Informed by ideas of ritual, her holistic practice is broadly concerned with exposing the processes of creation. Sadd experiments primarily with long-form and improvised sound works, moving image, and text, inviting audiences to step outside an object-centric art experience and into these dynamic processes. She is particularly interested in smallnesses, exploding the minutiae of things and ‘writing a lot about a little’. Recently, she has been developing her embodied practice involving vocal (non-verbal and verbal) and bodily performance, responding to feminist mythologies of ‘monstrous’ women, and re-imagining corporeal and empathetic approaches to communication.
Instagram: @chrltsd
new quartet is a recently formed group of John Butcher (saxophones), Christian Kobi (saxophones), Christian Müller (electronics) and Lee Patterson (self built instruments, amplified devices and processes).

John Butcher (UK)
Born in Brighton and living in London, John Butcher is a saxophonist whose work ranges through improvisation, his own compositions, multitracked pieces and explorations with feedback, unusual acoustics and non-concert locations. He is well known as a solo performer who attempts to engage with a sense of place. Resonant Spaces, for example, is a collection of performances recorded during a tour of unusual locations in Scotland and the Orkney Islands.
After publishing a PH.D (1982) in quantum chromodynamics, Butcher left academia and took off with music. He has since collaborated with hundreds of artists, some for many decades. To name a few: Derek Bailey, Akio Suzuki, John Stevens’ Spontaneous Music Ensemble, Rhodri Davies, Last Dream of the Morning (with John Edwards & Mark Sanders), Steve Beresford, Matthew Shipp, Gerry Hemingway, Chris Burn, Magda Mayas, Gino Robair, Thermal (Andy Moor & Thomas Lehn), Christian Marclay, Eddie Prévost, Okkyung Lee, John Russell, Ståle Liavik Solberg and Phil Minton.
Christian Kobi (CH)
His work explores the relationship between sound, silence and action in space. He studied music in Basel, Paris and Zuerich, with a concentration in experimental music and improvisation. Kobi performs and creates with various musicians, composers and artists in context of long term partnerships with artists such as Phill Niblock, Jürg Frey, Taku Sugimoto and Keith Rowe. Since 2004 he curates the „zoom in“ festival for improvised music at the Minster of Bern. Christian Kobi teaches improvisation at the Bern University of Arts (HKB).2004 Founder and artistic director of »zoom in«, a festival for improvised music at Berne Minster.
2006 Co-founder of the new music label «CUBUS RECORDS».2012/13 Artistic director of Szofa Budapst (supported by Pro Helvetia) When improvising solo all comes out of a person: Every detail of the sound, every turn in the flow, any adjustment in the spatial and temporal context are dominated by the person on stage. Christian Kobi pursues a prolific solo carrier alongside his many activities as a saxophonist in Konus Quartett as well as founder and curator of festivals. Through an intensive exploration of improvised music he developed highly personalized sound language. 2018 Music Prize of the Canton of Bern.
Christian Müller (CH)
born in 1971 near Basel, Switzerland, is clarinettist and electronic-musician. He completed his classical studies at the Conservatory for Music & Theater.
During the last twenty years Christian Müller worked mainly as improvising electronic-musician, electro-acoustic bass-clarinettist and composer with a conceptual approach. He realized numerous works with the duo Strøm (with Gaudenz Badrutt, electronics, since 2000) and also in national and international projects. As member of Strøm and as a solo musician he created several sound installations and audiovisual pieces and also worked in multimedia-based contexts with dancers and performers. Since 2010 he works with the writer Regina Dürig as Butterland, an interdisciplinary project that combines text and sound. Furthermore he works continously in various contexts and in various bands like DEER, IMO, Convulsif or Infest.
He collaborates and has collaborated in diverse constallations for concerts and multimedia-based works, a. o. with the musicians Martin Schütz, Hans Koch, Christian Kobi, Tomas Korber, Diatribes, Jonas Kocher, Bertrand Denzler, Jacques Demierre, Burkhard Beins, Clayton Thomas, Oren Ambarchi, Bertrand Gauguet, Michel Doneda, Flo Götte, Norbert Möslang, toktek, Simon Berz, Peter Conradin Zumthor, Lionel Friedli, Lê Ninh Quan, Mitsuaki Matsumoto, Urs Peter Schneider, Strotter Inst., dieb13, Susanna Gartmayer, Patricia Bosshard, Yan Jun, Cristián Alvear, Sergio Merce, Loenel Kaplan, Gabrieal Areal, Fernando Perales…
Solo and as member of Strøm, DEER and Convulsif he toured through northern, central and eastern Europe, Russia, China, Chile and Argentina.
Lee Patterson (UK)
To make music, Lee Patterson exploits mechanical and chemical synthesis. Using sound making and recording to devise performances with a selection of amplified objects, devices and processes, from rock chalk to springs, from burning nuts to vibrating metal, he makes a novelty of playing objects and situations otherwise considered mute.Based in Prestwich, Manchester, uk., he works internationally and has featured on UK TV, BBC Radios 3, 4 and 6, Resonance FM and on radio stations worldwide.Lee Patterson has devised and performs with a selection of amplified devices and processes. Whether working live with amplification or recording within an environment, he has pioneered a range of methods to produce or uncover complex sound in unexpected places. From rock chalk and springs, to aquatic plants and insects, Lee eavesdrops upon and takes inspiration from places and situations otherwise considered mute.
Lee’s collaborators have included some of today’s most respected experimental musicians, artists and filmmakers, including Angharad Davies, Rhodri Davies, Luke Fowler, Rie Nakajima, Vanessa Rossetto, John Tilbury, David Toop, Tetsuya Umeda, Mika Vainio, Jennifer Walshe and many others. His work has featured in various exhibitions and festivals, and on UK TV, BBC Radio 3, 4 and 6, Resonance104.4 FM and on radio stations worldwide.