Special Closing Event ‘Sisters with Transistors’ by Lisa Rovner + UK premier ‘What Is Man and What Is Guitar’ by Bob Burnett and Alan Jones
29th Jan (Sat) 19:30 – 22:00 / £8 (advanced booking) £10 (without advance booking)
Reserve your place through Eventbrite
The exhibition last day invites two amazing films on the bill. The ticket includes our homemade cakes on the table.

‘Sisters with Transistors’
by Lisa Rovner, story of electronic music’s female pioneers.
UK premier ‘What Is Man and What Is Guitar’
by Bob Burnett and Alan Jones, the first documentary of Keith Rowe.https://www.youtube.com/embed/7r-3hlzpV7M
Clara Rockmore, Daphne Oram, Bebe Barron, Delia Derbyshire, Maryanne Amacher, Pauline Oliveros, Wendy Carlos, Eliane Radigue, Suzanne Ciani, and Laurie Spiegel are among the greatest pioneers of modern sound and we continue to feel their influence yet most people have never heard of them. This is the untold story of electronic music’s female pioneers, re-markable composers who embraced machines and their liberating technologies to utterly trans-form how we produce and listen to music today.https://player.vimeo.com/video/555224156
“What Is Man And What Is Guitar? Keith Rowe”
Keith Rowe has spent a lifetime exploring the relationship between sound and physical objects through what can only be loosely described as the guitar. This short film probes the thinking of Keith Rowe and the fascinating way he approaches art, the guitar and himself.
This event is a part of GAPS [personal enquiries into the illegitimate] solo exhibition by Marco Zaffino
13/01/22 – 29/01/22 Free Entry / Thurs – Sat 10:30 – 17:00 at dai hall
Marco Zaffino’s solo exhibition investigates Gaps and Illegitimacy within creative actions and processes.
The show includes his paintings, photographies, crafts, street materials and other elements especially created for the show.
Marco Zaffino is a multi-disciplinary artist. Born in Huddersfield, he is a photographer for the counterculture magazine PROWL and directed feature films and feature screenplays. He is also a writer of short stories and novels. This show brings his new sculptural work comprised of ideas, visions and sketches that bubble up over coffee, hiking and studio.