Wednesday the 13th of April. 19.00
dai hall, Unit 29/30, The Piazza, Princess Alexandra Walk, Huddersfield, HD1 2RS
£8 on the door. BYOB.
Ex Continent’s electronic music is shaped by systems that coexist and communicate with each other, enabling the interaction of all possible elements as part of the same habitat. His works are formalised as an organisation of sounds, shapes and events where external interventions often just happen.
He also coordinates the anòmia platform.

Musician captivated by chaotic, untameable sound patterns. My work follows a strong desire for poetry. I am intrigued by its ability to open spaces where the imaginary invades the real, subtly changing our
modes of expression and ways to experience the world. I pay particular attention to sonic environments which are not easily accessed by humans – especially at the microscopic scale – using technology as a tool to feed the imagination with natural phenomena.

Michael Speers is a musician from Portaferry (Northern Ireland) currently based in London. Working with natural & synthetic sound material — using drums, computer, microphones, feedback—towards performance, installation and composition. Currently focused on the actual and notional representation of the ground drum. Michael will be performing with frame drum and computer.