FULL ONLINE PROGRAMME: hubbub.amespace.uk/digitalgardens
TICKETS: ko-fi.com/amespace/shop
Digital Gardens is a residency, workshop, concert and exhibition series exploring mechanical, algorithmic, and electronic music and art.
Residencies are ongoing through August 2023, and will culminate in a weekend of events across the 1st – 3rd of September 2023. See the online programme linked at the top of the page for details.

Photo credit: yecto

Photo credit: hellocatfood

HUBBUB is the final programme series ame is running in our venue Dai Hall
In HUBBUB, ame will introduce three residencies and music/sound art programmes during 2023: Digital Gardens, Zero Parameters, and Winter Process.
HUBBUB will represent a diversity of performance art & culture, commissioning marginal and experimental artists and musicians from all over the world to deliver inspiring works as a form of residency, music performance, exhibition and workshop at Dai Hall situated at the heart of Huddersfield.