FULL ONLINE PROGRAMME: hubbub.amespace.uk/zeroparameters
TICKETS: ko-fi.com/amespace/shop
The second edition of Zero Parameters Festival brings diverse performance art, sound art, and music culture to Huddersfield from all over the world with residencies, live music, and workshops.
27th – 29th October 2023
Dai 大 Hall, The Piazza, Unit 29/30, Victoria Lane, Huddersfield HD1 2QF
Arthur Chambry

CeReNeM Showcase

Jessica Ashman

Julian Weaver

Khabat Abas

Lucia H Chung

Pierre Bastien

HUBBUB is the final programme series ame is running in our venue Dai Hall
In HUBBUB, ame will introduce three residencies and music/sound art programmes during 2023: Digital Gardens, Zero Parameters, and Winter Process.
HUBBUB will represent a diversity of performance art & culture, commissioning marginal and experimental artists and musicians from all over the world to deliver inspiring works as a form of residency, music performance, exhibition and workshop at Dai Hall situated at the heart of Huddersfield.